All posts tagged "training"
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | February 9, 2018
Volume and Intensity: What You Need to Know to Reach Your Fitness Goals
We’re going to start by answering a few basic questions. First, what is training volume? Training volume is...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | December 25, 2017
Cardio: When Should I Do It?
“Should I be doing my cardio before or after my strength training workout?” Great question! This post will...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | December 15, 2017
Big Lifts and Accessory Exercises
It’s important to find the right combination of exercises for your body. Any exercise is better than no...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | March 25, 2017
Top 10 Total Body Stretches
My back is slowly getting better. Praise Jesus. Anyway, I give a lot of the credit to going...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | October 20, 2015
Be the Spider… or the Butterfly.
I leaned on the front desk and held my chin in my hands. “…Why am I so damn...