At Home Workouts
Healthy Heart HIIT Workout
Hey there! Valentine’s day is only a few days away. This day is extra special for us because this Valentine’s day is Chin-ups & Cupcakes 3 year anniversary! For those of you that don’t know, my web developer husband (then boyfriend) built me this blog as a Valentine’s day gift! Talk about a keeper, am I right?! I definitely am. In the spirit of celebrating what Chin-ups & Cupcakes was originally built for… I thought I’d share with you a Valentine’s day Healthy Heart HIIT Workout!
HIIT it!
This acronym stands for High Intensity Interval Training. The goal of HIIT is to bring your heart rate up and down repeatedly in short bursts of high and low intensity exercise. This form of training boosts your metabolism, improves your heart & lung health and quickly & efficiently burns major calories. There are a number of ways that you can perform HIIT but for the purpose of this post, we’re going to use moves that can be done at home! All you need is a timer and 20 minutes!
How it works:
You will perform each exercise for 45 seconds, giving yourself a 15 second break in between. Each circuit will take 5 minutes. Complete 4 rounds. All it takes is 20 minutes to burn those calories!
Healthy Hearts HIIT Workout
- Jumping Jacks
- Mountain Climbers
- Burpees
- Alternating Reverse Lunges
- Bicycle Crunches
Give it a whirl!
You can burn up to 300 calories performing this workout (providing some much needed wiggle room for that chocolate your significant other is about to give you) 🙂 Try it out! Let us know what you think!
HIIT will benefit you even more when combined with a Strength Training Program.
Have a happy Valentine’s day!
Until next time…