All posts tagged "progress"
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | June 30, 2018
7 Habits for a Healthy Morning
Well, hello there! I apologize for the long hiatus… See, I started a second writing job last month...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | June 10, 2017
The “BEST” Diet?
More often than not, when we come across a problem in life, there is more than one way...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | February 25, 2017
Functional Training Makes Sense
Functional training by definition is a style of training that mimics every day movements. It focuses on exercises...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | January 28, 2016
“What is she doing here?”
Whassup guys?! So, this week I’ve been acting like a “cross-fitting, vegetarian lawyer… Meaning I’ve been telling everyone...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | January 9, 2016
Don’t… Say it…
“I want to tone up.” GAH. I tolddd you not to say it. Now don’t get me wrong....
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | January 4, 2016
Head First
I don’t have time. I’m tired. I’m too busy. Something came up. I don’t know where to begin....
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | October 19, 2015
Shock your body!
If you could have taken a look inside my mind 3 months ago, heck even 3 weeks ago,...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | March 27, 2015
A few weeks ago, I wrote the “Enough with the Excuses” post. I got a tremendous amount of...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | March 7, 2015
Enough with the Excuses…
We all have this vision of the “perfect” version of ourselves. We also all have our own definition...