All posts tagged "healthy"
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | February 9, 2018
Volume and Intensity: What You Need to Know to Reach Your Fitness Goals
We’re going to start by answering a few basic questions. First, what is training volume? Training volume is...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | December 28, 2017
Fuel Your Workout
We’re going to cover another reader question today. She asked, “Should I eat before I workout? And if...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | December 25, 2017
Cardio: When Should I Do It?
“Should I be doing my cardio before or after my strength training workout?” Great question! This post will...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | December 19, 2017
The Myth: Spot Reduce Body Fat
OH…That Question Who doesn’t want a flat stomach, sculpted arms and defined legs? We all want to be...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | December 15, 2017
Big Lifts and Accessory Exercises
It’s important to find the right combination of exercises for your body. Any exercise is better than no...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | November 21, 2017
“Is it Spring Already?”
Spring on the Mind Are you thinking about the Springtime? What bathing suit are you going to wear?...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | November 15, 2017
Anatomy of: Walking Lunges
“What is the best exercise for the lower body?” While I have a few favorites, I’d say my...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | November 8, 2017
Let the Endorphins Flow
What’s Missing? I’ve been in Colorado for almost a month now. Do you want to know how long...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | June 14, 2017
Why You Should Use That Awkward Machine at the Gym
She put it off until the end of her workout. “There’s nothing left to do.” She glances over...
Chinups_and_Cupcakes | June 10, 2017
The “BEST” Diet?
More often than not, when we come across a problem in life, there is more than one way...