
It’s a beautiful thing.

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I was still thousands of feet above the ground when I fell in love. As the plane tilted down towards the right, I got an even better view. beautifulI noticed my mouth was hanging open and turned to look at Mike to see if he noticed. He was sleeping, his own mouth hanging open. Different reasons. The pilot came on and said we were about 10 minutes out and to prepare for landing. I was so excited. It had been a long day. We got up at 4, were at my parent’s house by 5 and they dropped us off at the airport a little after 6. We boarded the plane to Dallas at 7:30 and took off just after 8 am. Our layover in Dallas was supposed to be an hour, which turned into 2 and a half. Once the pilot finally got there, we boarded the plane that would take us to Montrose. When we stepped off the plane, my feet were on the tarmac. It was a little airport with 2 gates. One for Dallas, the other for Denver. I took a breathe and I could tell the air was different. To my right, there were mountains (or what would soon look like hills). To my left, there was flat land. Montrose had a small town feel, spread over a vast, wide space. We retrieved our bags and headed back out to find the “Telluride Express”. The drive took a little over an hour, but it was BEAUTIFUL the whole way. It got more and more snowy as we climbed. At around 4 pm, we pulled up to the lodge we’d be staying at, my mouth was hanging open again. Someone met us downstairs and took us up to our “floor”. LOL. I’m not sure what to call it, but it was FREAKING ENORMOUS, not to mention incredibly beautiful. After he showed us around the 4 bedroom, 5 bath place he left us to our own devices. We stepped into the kitchen where a bottle of champagne waited for us. The walls were 90% windows and as I looked around all I saw was mountains and snow falling. It was breathtaking. I kept pinching myself to make sure it was real life. We spent some time hanging out and then decided to go walk around. We were staying in Mountain Village. All we had to do was hop on a Gondola for 10 minutes that would take us up and over the mountain to Telluride. That first night it was snowing pretty heavily so it was hard to really see everything, but I could see enough to know that it was beautiful. We literally walked into the first bar we could find cause it was so stinkin’ cold! We walked in, stripped off our jackets, hats and mittens and sat down. A girl walked up to us and said, “Hey! You guys were on my flight!” Turns out, she was from Tampa, actually went to one of the local highschools here, and moved out to Telluride a year ago just to experience what it’d be like! It’s such a small world. We told her we were on our honeymoon and about 10 minutes later the waiter brought over an appetizer that this particular restaurant is famous for. She had bought it for us! That was just one of the many experiences we had with the friendly people of Telluride. beautiful

The next morning, since ski season hadn’t officially started yet we decided we’d go check out more of Telluride. It was a MUCH clearer morning and when we came over the last pass to bring us down to Telluride, we saw a view that was just priceless. All I can say is that I can see why everyone is so happy and friendly there. I would be too if that’s where I woke up everyday! Once we stepped off the gondola in the town of Telluride, I had to just stand there a moment. Telluride is basically down in the valley between some BIG ass mountains. I mean, these rock faces are just mind boggling. I’m not going to keep going on and on about all the details. Over the next few days we went sledding, shopping, eating and drinking, snowboarding (3 days straight), ice skating, and even more eating and drinking. The average temperature during the week we were there was 15 degrees. For a lot of people where I’m from, they’d say that was terrible. Me? I could easily go the rest of my life without seeing the beach or the ocean EVER again. There’s nothing better than warm clothes, bonfires and hot coffee.


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The mountains are where I’ve always known I belonged. There wasn’t a thing about this place that I wasn’t absolutely in LOVE with. From the environment, to the people, from the food to the drinks, and especially all of the things to do, it was the most incredible place on earth. Like I said in the post before we left, I felt the Smokies would always have my heart. After this trip, they always will have a part of it. I have so many great memories there. There was something different about Colorado though. It feels like it would fit too. I’ve always been afraid of the thought of moving that far away from my entire family, but it just doesn’t seem that scary any more with my husband by my side. He’s been talking about moving there literally since before I met him. I always fought him on it, but I have to say, after this trip my mind has changed. He says he knew that would happen… One of my favorite quotes is, “Change is scary at first, messy in the middle, but beautiful at the end.” I have no doubt that uprooting our lives and moving basically cross country would create all kinds of stress and worries, especially for someone with as many anxiety issues as me. However, I’ve also learned to put my trust in God more and more over the past few years. It’s hard to give up control of your own life, but it’s amazing how happy you’ll be when you do. I feel like no matter what we decide to do will be the right thing, and it may not even be soon. What I do know is that everything happens for a reason. If we get the opportunity to go, then I’ll jump head first into a new adventure! There’s nothing I can think of that would be harder than looking back at my life and wishing I had done things differently. That’s what I’ll leave you with this time. I have some things I want to write about along the same lines of change in the next post. Until next time…


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I'm an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist. I worked in a gym setting back in Florida for over 2 years, training one-on-one clients and leading group fitness classes. I absolutely loved it, but once we moved across the country to Colorado, I decided to take the opportunity to pursue a slightly different career! My obsession with exercise and love for writing collided, which is how I became a fitness lifestyle writer.

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