So much has happened since the last time I had a chance to write a post! I actually don’t even know where to start. I know it’s gonna take a few entries to catch up. As I sit here on our new couch, in our new apartment as a new wife, there are so many things going through my head! I didn’t get to write a post about moving in, finalizing wedding plans, the beautiful rehearsal dinner, the dream wedding itself, (*COUGH* adapting to life with Scout *COUGH*,) the “first” honeymoon or even the election (which I’m totally itching to write about)… It’s really been a whirlwind. I want so badly to get on more of a writing schedule! Mike asked me the other day if I wanted him to renew the domain name (aka Chinups and Cupcakes), to which I responded “YES! Of course! OMG!” That was the little kick in the butt that I needed to open up my laptop Sunday morning and get to work!
I figure I’ll just start where I left off, I believe in late August… Nothing big really happened from what I can remember in the first half of September. On September 20th we were given the keys to our apartment. I wondered how I would adapt to moving out of my parents house. I’ve lived with them my entire life. I went to college while living at home. I worked my 1st and 2nd job, while living at home. I’m grateful for the time I got to spend with my family and the money that I was able to save. While I’ll admit it can get a little lonely over here sometimes (I get home around 11 am, Mike gets home around 6 pm), I absolutely LOVE it! It’s wonderful to FINALLY have a place of our own.
I SO appreciate how much everyone loves what we’ve done with the place! The general theme we’ve gone with has a lot of dark woods, copper, grey’s and blue’s. Mike’s mom referred to our style as “rustic industrial” which I think is pretty spot on. Our families threw us not one, but 2 bridal showers! One on his side, one on mine! We got so many incredible gifts. I never thought that I’d be so excited about frying pans and tupperware.
Life in the apartment (as a wife) has been great so far! It’s a lot of fun. I know people say that it will wear off eventually, and I’m sure that’s probably true. (Most likely around the first of the year when my job gets really busy LOL.) But until then, I love the chores: (If you aren’t aware, one of my favorite hobbies is actually cleaning…Yeah, REALLY), packing Mike’s lunch, making us dinner and all the other things that go along with my new role! Some people look at me like I have 2 heads. Growing up, I was never the girl to fantasize about a wedding. People asked me what my dream wedding or dress was and I’d never have an answer for them (I would now; I’d show them picutres 😉 ) because as a child I didn’t think of it. I did know one thing, someday I wanted to be a homemaker or as I knew it at the time, a stay-at-home-mom. I watched my mom. She worked (and still does) full time and still found time when she came home to pack my lunch, make us dinner and have tons of fun with us. With that being said, even though my childhood was great, I was always a bit jealous of my friends that had stay-at-home-moms. Now, I don’t have kids yet and if all goes as planned I wont for at least a few more years, so I have absolutely no issue working. I mean, I love my job. We’re in a slow period right now at the gym, with the holidays and all, so I usually work something like 5 am to 11 am. You can’t beat my hours. I LOVE doing the “chores” because I have the time. Mike gets mad sometimes because I don’t let him do much when it comes to chores. Honestly, I think cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc.. is part of a wife’s role. Just like checking the oil and taking out the trash is a husband’s job… 😉 Anyway, he say’s that it makes him feel lazy or whatever that I do a lot of the stuff around the house. Truth is, I don’t think he’s lazy at all. He gets to work around 7am and usually doesn’t get home until 6-6:30. Half the time, he works on free lance projects into the wee hours of the morning. That’s like, the opposite of lazy. I guess, what I’m saying is, I truly enjoy the chores because it makes his life easier. A lot like he works hard, to give us a great life. Like I said, when my job gets busy, he might have to pack his own lunch here and there, but until then, it’ll be waiting in the fridge for him every morning 🙂 I went off onto a tangent that I didn’t originally plan on… BUT I think there’s an important lesson in there whether you’ve been married 3 weeks, 3 months or 30 years… Appreciate each other. Help each other. You’re a team!
Anyhow, (Back on track) We decorated for Christmas on Saturday. Normally, I would have done it on Thanksgiving weekend BUT we’ll be on our actual honeymoon then!!! On the 27th, we leave for Telluride, Colorado for a week. I’ve never been there, but Mike’s been to Colorado a million times. He says that the Smoky mountains will look like hills compared to the Rockies. I can’t wait to see for myself. Our plan is to go snowboarding, if they don’t delay the start of ski season any longer! They got snow last week and are supposed to get more this week so here’s to hoping we get to snowboard! The place we’ll be staying is incredible. We went through a rental company. About a month after selecting a place, they emailed us and said the owners of the property are no longer renting, so we’d have to find a different one. They continued by saying that they’d give us a free upgrade and sent links to a few of the properties we could choose from. They were all MAGNIFICENT to say the least, but we ended up selecting one with incredible picturesque views. It’s a 5 bedroom… for 2 people. It feels wrong to waste so much space, but I’m not complaining! I can’t wait to get there!
That about wraps it up for now. My intention is to write another one about the rehearsal and wedding before we leave. We shall see if I can do it!
It’s great to be back! I’ll try not to be gone for long!
Until next time…
David Pitruzzello
November 22, 2016 at 4:35 pm
Very nice to see you back to blogging Erin….However don’t tell people your schedule! Love you!
Dad 🙂