Hey guys!
Since I got back from vacation a couple weeks ago, I’ve been studying for my NASM Personal Training exam like CRAZY. I decided to use the Fitness Mentors: NASM Personal Training Exam Study Guide and I’m SO glad I did because it helped tremendously. It showed me exactly what I should focus on. It all paid off because I took it Friday morning and I PASSED! I’m a certified personal trainer! Someone pinch me! I know some people believe that it’s easy to become a personal trainer and that anyone can do it. I think anyone can do it, but it’s not a walk in the park. That was an intense 6 months, and while I’m aware that it’s not as difficult as getting a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree, I’m super proud of myself! It’s not too often that I follow through with ANYTHING so I’m pretty impressed that I actually completed it!
The question I’ve been getting for the past 2 days is, “What are you going to do now?!” Oy, good question. Dream case scenario: I stumble across a suit case with a couple hundred THOU on my way to work tonight and I can start my own gym, specifically for youth. Seeing as how that’s highly unlikely, I also have some other (less expensive) ideas… I still don’t know if I want to go to a larger chain gym or find a smaller gym. I’ve also been looking into the YMCA and gyms specifically for women because I’d like to specialize. (Maybe?) We’ll see though! Now that I’m certified I can start looking.
I also have been thinking of going back to actual college once I land a CPT job, you know, so that I can pay for it! I have my eye on this Bachelor’s degree called Nutrition Communication. I’d literally be able to combine 2 of my favorite things: Writing and Nutrition. However, that’s on the back burner for now.
Most likely scenario: I find a job at a gym, big or small, whoever wants me! I continue blogging. I get my Fitness Nutrition Specialization from NASM so I can help my clients not only understand the importance of exercise but also the importance of Nutrition.
I know that personal trainers these days get kind of a bad rap. I see those memes floating around about personal trainers needing personal trainers. I have a good enough sense of humor to laugh and know that there is some definite truth behind it. Personally, I don’t think my problem is needing a personal trainer. I’ve got the gym figured out. What I need is a personal chef and someone to follow me around 24/7 and smack food out of my hand. LOL. But seriously. After vacation I came home and weighed myself. I gained 5 pounds. Since I’ve gotten back, I haven’t been counting my macros. I let the stress of the test take over. I feel pretty gross. I haven’t been eating the way I should. While my eating has not been great, I never skipped a workout to study instead. I always made time for the gym. It felt too ironic to skip a workout, so I could study how to teach people to work out… I did finally skip this past Friday night though, due to the fact that I was a pitcher deep in celebratory sangria! Now that I need to be taken seriously, it’s time to buckle down. No one wants a fluffy personal trainer!
As far as my blog goes, I’m going to start posting regularly again. I’VE MISSED IT! It’s like a piece of me has been missing! I’m really excited to be back at it. This week I’m going to work on the post about our vacation to Tennessee. It was seriously awesome and I can’t wait to tell you all about it! I’ve missed you guys!
Until next time…
July 5, 2015 at 11:27 am
CONGRATS!!! It’s a great accomplishment…
July 5, 2015 at 11:39 am
I can’t express how proud I am of you Erin ! You made the plan, did the work and followed through. Best of all you Accomplished your goal and PASSED! There is nothing you can’t do if you work hard and don’t give up! The future is bright…:-)
July 5, 2015 at 4:07 pm
You go girl! If you end up at anytime fitness I would love to be a client! Good luck!
July 8, 2015 at 12:24 am
Congrats!!! Can’t wait to see what you do moving forward!
July 21, 2015 at 10:25 am
Wow… what an accomplishment… not only is this a great career, but a better way to live everyday with the knowledge for a healthy life. I love that you will share your knowledge, understanding the struggles that can occur in reaching a healthy lifestyle, with those of us that really need it.
July 22, 2015 at 1:33 pm
Thanks Pam! 🙂